Krabi Boats 8

praying for leaders

How important is it for us to pray for our government and our heads of state? Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, "​... I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." On 12 August, I had the opportunity to join Thai Christian pastors at a multi-faith ceremony to pray for the Thai Queen Mother.

Sfruit crossometimes in the missionary life, after facing adversity (like this past couple of years) and seeing not many people respond to the gospel, missionaries can resort to slightly unconventional methods. Angel decided to try something new for a change in the New Year and she began reading the Bible with...


Recently Trish was speaking to a friend at her shop in the market. Piw was commenting on how much she liked the mask that Trish was wearing. A few days later Trish passed by the shop where she had bought her mask and bought Piw one as a gift. On giving this mask to Piw, Piw insisted that she had to pay for the mask. After some skillful communication, Trish was able to leave without receiving payment. However, the next day as I walked past Piw’s I was given a container of salad. Piw could not accept the free gift, she had to give something back of roughly equal value.


Over the last few weeks each evening, we have had a handful of fireflies flying around outside our front door. Each evening I would be captivated by them and I would watch them intently as they fluttered around outside and occasionally tried to get in. Even though there were only a few, their light would get my attention and I would get a sense of contentment watching them.