Krabi Boats 8




This past weekend my wife and I had the opportunity to go camping with 2 Thai families on-top of a mountain only 3 km from our house. This was only our second time coming up the mountain as it is a very steep hill, mainly accessible by 4x4, which is not the vehicle we have.

During this time, we were hoping to have an opportunity to share the Gospel more fully with them. Hoping that as we look at the stars we could engage about the creator of the world. The God who created the world desires to have a relationship with you. Sadly opportunities never arose for these desired conversations to take place. Does this mean that the time away was a waste of time in regards to sharing the Gospel?

I don’t believe so. The correct understanding of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 says: (19) Therefore as” you go... make disciples of all nations.... As I reflect over the time away, I see God’s hand unfolding a bigger plan.

Nuk, one of the husbands, and I went for a walk to see who else was camping on the mountain. It seemed to me he knew everyone on the mountain, from all the National park rangers to many of the campers. As we engaged with some of these new people for me, many said they had seen me before in various places, but they were fearful to engage because they can only speak Thai. However, when I see them again there is a foundation to connect and our area of ministry influence enlarges.

The second meaningful conversation was with the driver of the 4x4 Ute. We discovered that his wife and daughter are Christians and he actively engaged with us about our plans to plant a church in Ronphibun and invited us to visit his home. Currently, his wife and daughter travel to the city over 30km away to go to church. They desire to have a church in their community, maybe this was the reason we went meet this man and have new workers to help us with a church plant in Ronphibun.

Our plans to share the Gospel more fully with our friends never took place. However, we rejoice in the fact that God’s larger plan is being revealed to us. We are called to be faithful as we journey. As we are faithful with each encounter that God brings our way we have the privilege to see God’s hand at work.