A reading of the book of Acts can often lead the reader to believe that the series of events recorded occur over a period of a few months, not more than a few years. As much as this letter captures the account of the first century church, it is largely based around the lifetime of a man named Saul of Tarsus (Paul) and includes the accounts of his three missionary journeys and the spread of “The Way” within the Roman Empire.
Through the sovereign will of God, history moulded itself so that the climate of the times suited the spread of the good news, divinely and perfectly orchestrated.
For over 150 years, the freedom to preach and proclaim the gospel in Thailand has been enjoyed by mission agencies and missionaries from all over the world. The fruits of their labour in church planting, Bible translation and raising up a generation of Thai Christians is evident today to the glory of God. However, there are only around 500,000 Christians (0.74%) among Thailand's population of over 65 million people.
Praise God for opportunities to share about God in schools in Phrom Khiri. Usually our team here has just shared in schools in the context of Christmas. But recently another missionary gave me the idea to ask schools in the area about sharing about the love God other times of the year as well, starting from the story of creation. With the coming of a Thai YWAM team, I decided to ask permission to share in 2 schools in which I teach English. The YWAM team was great, fitting in to lead Christian Thai kids songs on the spot, helping organize kids and costumes in the impromptu creation skits we did and the kids loved them.
The video ends with the word – Unfinished! This word challenged both Trish and I as we watched a video that was made by a short-term team from Sydney that partnered with us during our Christmas outreach ministry. At the end of the 2 weeks each person was asked to use one word to summarize their experience during this time of ministry in Thailand. Examples of words used were ‘Rewarding, Experiential, Faith, Prayerful, Eye opening, Delicious (referring to the amazing food in Thailand), Humbling, Good, Fruitful, Hope, Blessing, Unity, Hopeful, Exciting and Unfinished. We don’t know what the speaker’s interpretation was when they said unfinished, but for us the word reminded us that the work here in Thailand is still unfinished.
Nothing happens by accident because God orchestrates everything, whether large outreaches or divine appointments! December is always a busy time for us. Christmas has become more familiar to the Thais, although it is still understood as a foreign holiday where gifts are exchanged. And so we take this opportunity to run different outreaches to introduce them to the true meaning of Christmas. This year, we praise God for opening the door to allow us to share the story of Christ’s birth in many venues, including local neighborhoods, local schools, the municipal office, and even the local police station!
Though we praise God for all these opportunities, we know that it’s only by His leading and grace that anyone will be saved through Jesus Christ. This is our constant prayer for the people in Phrom Khiri. We praise God for the 100’s we get to reach out to through large outreaches, but we also realize that God works just as powerfully through divine appointments with a single person.