Krabi Boats 8

God doesn't let us get too settled in ministry. Angel and I adjusted from doing ministry as singles to doing ministry as a married couple and there have been many adjustments at in our ministry together as we seek to find out how God would have us minister most effectively in each particular season.

Over the past few months, we focused on doing discovery Bible studies with families, which we found to be  style most conducive to ladies. However, when Angel became pregnant and didn't feel well enough to continue with regular visits, I realized it wouldn't be appropriate for me to continue doing Bible studies on my own with these ladies. I would have to focus on different areas for the time being - trying to reach guys and also doing more ministry with children and trying to reach the families of the children. God never lets us get too settled in our ministry. He shakes us up so we need to keep relying on Him step by step. And that keeps things fun! Are you ready for God to make things fun in your life as well?