Krabi Boats 8

Adventure outreach

  • How much risk is too much? How much is too little?

    riskOne of the topics that comes up in conversation as we prepare for adventure ministry is “risk”. One of the goals of Adventure Camp is to get the kids to do activities that they perceive as risky. While we always strive to make these activities as safe as possible, we want the campers to feel uncertain about the activities so that they must fight their fears and overcome the challenges they face. Over a number of years, we've seen a number of the young people grow in confidence and willingness to try new things because of the “risky” adventure activities that they have done on camp. For Christians, risk is an important topic as well...

    Christians need to be willing to take risks in our personal decisions, in our social interactions and in our use of personal finances in order to be faithful to God and to bring him the glory he deserves. The Bible generally uses the word ”faith” because the risks we take are undergirded by our belief that God desires these actions and he will help and support us as we do them. I think that maybe the word “risk” strikes a better chord these days than “faith” though. It has a grittier, more immediate, emotional impact. Most of us wish to live within our comfort zone, yet God keeps calling us to step out in order to serve him and to show his love to a needy world. There’s an old Steve Camp song that I love. It challenges me to be willing to do all I can for the Lord. The chorus goes like this, “Oh, to gladly risk it all, oh to be faithful to His call / Abandoned to grace yet anchored in His love / Living dangerously in the hands of God”. Hudson Taylor, the founder of CIM-OMF, summed it up perfectly when he said, “Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is no need for faith.” May we all be willing to abandon ourselves to God’s grace and live riskily in response to our faith in him. 

  • Khun's story

    On our recent Adventure camp there was one teenager that was always sitting outside the group and it was a struggle to get him to participate in any of the activities. Sadly towards the end of the camp he was warming up and starting to interact with some of the other campers. Camp was over and as leaders we were disheartened that we were not able to break into his world and find out what was truly taking place in his heart and give him the guidance that he needed. 
  • Shoes - a silent parable

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    Jesus stooped down and washed his disciples feet (John 13:1-17). While on a recent Adventure camp I was humbled when I saw one of the Thai leaders live out this parable. Day two's camp programme entailed mountain climbing, a hike along the beach, a walk through a cave and abseiling down from a ledge at the exit of the cave and finally walking down the rest of the mountain back to the beach. As exciting as this adventure was in beautiful natural surroundings, it was physically and mentally challenging.

    That morning I had noticed, when one of the young people was putting on a pair of mountain climbing shoes, that he had no big toe. As a young child he had lost three fingers and his thumb in an explosion. His big toe was attached to his hand giving him mobility with a finger and thumb. This young man did not shrink back from a challenge. He undertook to climb one of the harder pitches that morning and after several attempts and his hands being in excruciating pain he had conquered the climb.

    After lunch while walking to the cave his shoes started deteriorating, he did not say a word, but kept soldiering on over the beach and then up a rocky path leading to the cave entrance. When we started going into the cave his shoes had broken beyond repair and his feet were scratched and scraped. This is when one of the Thai leaders stepped in and insisted this young man wear his shoes.

  • South Thailand Adventure Camp

    AC_2013-10_Group_Photo_3Last week 12 guys and 4 leaders travelled to Krabi and had a fantastic time on the South Thailand Adventure Camp. Camping in tents, including a night on an island beach, rock climbing, caving, kyaking, eating good food, talking about life and talking about God. Over half the young guys were not Christians but they really enjoyed the camp and are ready to come back in October next year! Want to join us?


  • Two Roads

    Eliphant climb

    Early morning on Monday the 5th September, Jeff Callow and I, Bruce, drove to Phattalung with a desire to find a spot to train the leaders who would be helping lead at Adventure Outreach "Master Class" camp taking place in two weeks time in the basics of rock climbing. The spots we found were not ideal and so we went to inquire at the local council if they knew of any possibilities. 

    Very quickly we were escorted into the the Mayor's office and offered water and coffee...