Krabi Boats 8
namkhem_prayer_nightOn the 31st. we had an all night prayer time to thank the Lord for all that happened throughout the year with photos (as far as possible) for each event to remind us again of Gods faithfulness and provision and to pray and plan for what was to come in the New Year. Most of us made it till 4am. It was good to spend time together praying, watching videos on the end times, reading Bible together, singing and sharing prayer-points for the various families. We did not have to rush with anything because there were many hours in the night Smile.

God who brought darkness out of light at creation, and who opened our blinded eyes to behold His glory (His perfection) in the face of Jesus Christ our Lord, will continue through out this New Year to change us into His image from glory to glory. Let us turn our eyes on to Jesus, look full in His wonderful face so that the things of this earth will go strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace

namkhem_christmas09The week before the 20th December we went out caroling from house to house, Tuesday to Friday in a different place every night. With the help of a big man size poster with two hands holding the crib with the baby Jesus in it, we explained the gospel. We also handed out three different invitations to all who was willing to listen to us. One invitation was to the events of Christmas on the 25th, the next for a TV show 18-19 Dec. with Billy Graham as the evangelist with lots of Thai testimonies woven in to his talk, and the last was to our own church Sunday 20th afternoon with a number on the invitation with which they had a chance to  get a small gift. All got a free home made ice cream and a chat with the Christians

Many people came and we were glad for the opportunity to show them where we were and to make contact with them.

Please pray for all these different contacts that we may know how to follow up and lead them to the Lord.
Here is a summary of what happened with our Christmas play and other Christmas activities:


• The play that started with Genesis and ended with Revelation (everything in just half an hour) was rehearsed only once and not even very thoroughly. There were more than  40 people involved from 10 different churches  This is a perfect recipe for  a catastrophe
• 5 people had to carry two trees, sun, moon and star on to the stage during creation. 3 Others were to make two big fishes swim pass on a stick and one big bird had to fly pass, also on a long stick (all made of cloth and bamboo) Adam and Eve had to talk to the snake and ate the fruit and hid themselves behind fig leaves Everybody had to know exactly what to do when. The words on the CD did not wait for anybody. This all went amazingly well.

passing_it_onOne of the joys of missionary life is when new Christians are keen to be part of the ongoing ministry.The other day, young Ben came to me and said he'd like to learn to play bass guitar. I told him to come early to church the next week and I'd be happy to start teaching him. Sure enough, he was there bright and early and eager to learn a few notes. The next week he was trying a few more, and started "jamming" with the other musicians after church.