Krabi Boats 8

PK Home Worship Preach

If you ask us what main outcome we are working towards, the answer would be to see churches planted. But to actually announce to the community that we would begin worship meetings in our home was a step I felt unprepared to take. It took a Thai Pastor basically saying, “ What’s taking you so long?”, to get us moving.

joshua1One of the difficulties of church planting is raising up quality new leaders. New believers often would like the status of being a leader, but many are unwilling to put the time and effort in to the training and practice required to be a good leader. Our solution? Project Joshua!

When Moses grew old and it was time for him to pass on, he appointed Joshua as his successor. However, the training and mentoring had been going on for years before this. In the ACT Churches (Associated Churches Thailand – those churches started by or connected to OMF) in South Thailand, we realized that this is very important, so as we as we started our new church leaders’ training scheme, we knew that this would have to be an important part of the process.

But the best part of Project Joshua? The fun that we have at the two-monthly training seminars!

Last year, Angel and myself were at a church camp where the speaker talked about turning your everyday celebrations into evangelistic events, whether that be birthday parties or New Years. Or how about a wedding? I’ve certainly known others that have made their wedding evangelistic, so Angel and myself decided we would try it out as well.PK Celeb Kids

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Back in the United States, the sight of leaves changing colors signal that it’s the beginning of Autumn. In Phrom Khiri, the sights of multiple large crates signal that it’s the season of harvesting mangosteen. Mangosteen (‘mang-gut’ in Thai) can be described as a fruit with a hard, dark purple outershell and a sweet, tangy white pulp in the inside. It’s one of our family’s favorite fruit here in Thailand.

Phrom Khiri is a mountainous town with many fruit orchards. It is a major grower of mangosteen as well. It seems everyone in town has a farm somewhere, and so now they all are harvesting them and putting them in crates to distribute and sell. Every house and store seem to have crates stacked high in front of them. Trucks big and small are driving around carrying mangosteen. There were also some Chinese visitors who have come to supervise the delivery of the fruit out of country. Relatives and friends come from out of town to help quickly collect all the fruit. It’s really a community effort!