This week we are reminded of the all that we don’t like about rainy season in South Thailand, namely mould, endless days of rain and the potential of flooding. This is our second year in South Thailand and we are realising that rainy season leading to potential flooding is to expected each year.
Recently on an Adventure camp I was lead climbing, preparing a climb for the campers. At first glance I thought this climb was great with lots of hand holds, many places to put your feet, most definitely a good option for first time climbers. My assessment was correct for the first 15 meters of the climb. The next 10 meters was a very different story. The search for hand and foot holds was challenging, my arms were aching, I had very little strength left to continue. Suddenly my arms gave way and I fell 4 meters. After a short rest I gave it another go and managed to setup the rope. What looked easy to begin with was in actual reality not easy at all!
Last month, my family and I were in Sydney, visiting some friends and supporters. One friend took us to to a Thai restaurant near Manly Beach. As the waitress approached, we greeted her in Thai and she was amazed. She was even more amazed as our 15 year old son started speaking to her in Thai. She was totally blown away when she discovered that he was born in a neighbouring province to her own home town. We had the opportunity to share a bit of our own journey and why we live and work in Thailand, but the waitress was busy and we couldn't speak further than this. What we couldn't say in words though, made up in the way we communicated God's love through our speaking her heart language and our commitment to her homeland.
Thailand is a fruit paradise. The climate allows for wondeful ‘summer’ fruits all year round. Bananas, mangoes, pineapple, guava, and many other fruit, half of which I cannot spell since I’ve only seen them in Thailand and probably only know the Thai name.