Krabi Boats 8

Nothing happens by accident because God orchestrates everything, whether large outreaches or divine appointments! December is always a busy time for us. Christmas has become more familiar to the Thais, although it is still understood as a foreign holiday where gifts are exchanged. And so we take this opportunity to run different outreaches to introduce them to the true meaning of Christmas. This year, we praise God for opening the door to allow us to share the story of Christ’s birth in many venues, including local neighborhoods, local schools, the municipal office, and even the local police station!

Though we praise God for all these opportunities, we know that it’s only by His leading and grace that anyone will be saved through Jesus Christ. This is our constant prayer for the people in Phrom Khiri. We praise God for the 100’s we get to reach out to through large outreaches, but we also realize that God works just as powerfully through divine appointments with a single person.

A few months back, I was introduced to a lady name Lek. Lek grew up in Phrom Khiri but married an Australian man and moved overseas. She recently moved back with her younger son to care for her elderly parents, while her husband and older son remain in Australia. Her sonis close in age to  our oldest son, and it’s been good for both boys to have a peer to talk to. Lek’s warm and friendly nature also allowed us to connect immediately.

Though we live in the same town, it’s been challenging to meet together. She is trying to start up a coffee shop in front of her house, and so she is always too busy to talk. In fact, the only times we have seen each other and chatted were when we ran into each other on two occasions at Makro, a large wholesale store about 20 minutes out of Phrom Khiri.   

Making a last minute decision to go to Makro this week, I said to God, “Wouldn’t it be amazing if I ran into Lek here for the third time! What are the chances, God?” Upon entering the store, I heard someone calling out my name, “Lila!” To my surprise, I turned to see Lek. Lek was actually on the phone with Dao, a close Thai friend of hers who happens to be a Christian living in Maryland (U.S.) the same state we are from.. They were just chatting about me, and Lek handed her phone to me. Dao introduced herself and excitedly told me how she has been praying for Lek’s salvation, and that it’s an answered prayer that we live in the same town as Lek!

I am in awe of how clear God is showing Himself in this situation, and how He is orchestrating these divine appointments. Please pray that I will have many more opportunities to meet with Lek and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with her. Please also pray that all the Christmas outreaches would bear fruit in the New Year.