Krabi Boats 8


y team drimePraise God for opportunities to share about God in schools in Phrom Khiri. Usually our team here has just shared in schools in the context of Christmas. But recently another missionary gave me the idea to ask schools in the area about sharing about the love God other times of the year as well, starting from the story of creation. With the coming of a Thai YWAM team, I decided to ask permission to share in 2 schools in which I teach English. The YWAM team was great, fitting in to lead Christian Thai kids songs on the spot, helping organize kids and costumes in the impromptu creation skits we did and the kids loved them.

One funny story is that I hadn’t figured out what costume to have for Satan in the skit about the fall of Satan. But it just turned out that one of the YWAM guys was dressed up for that role for a drime they were doing and did a great job. We were really well received by the teachers as well in both schools and the teachers said they would be happy to have us do more such programs in the future. The local YWAM missionaries that hos the teams, a couple from Korea, said they see the main role of the teams is to help facilitate church planting, so we look forward to more fruitful partnership in the future!