Krabi Boats 8

rain 1

This week we are reminded of the all that we don’t like about rainy season in South Thailand, namely mould, endless days of rain and the potential of flooding. This is our second year in South Thailand and we are realising that rainy season leading to potential flooding is to expected each year.


This year we had anticipated the arrival of mould and we were not disappointed....our walls, cupboards and rooms upstairs are starting to mould due to prolonged days of wet, humid weather. This year will see us demoulding regularly for the next few months. Nothing we do seems to prevent the mould from returning.

Much as we hate the mould, I am beginning to realise that the threat of flooding is far more serious and eminent than I previously thought. This year we have had continuous rain for about 4 days and we are already seeing signs that our home will flood. But at least this year we are home and are able to prepare for it. We have bought sand bags, lifted up what we can and are ready to move the last things if it necessary.

Does the rain and it’s accompanying hazards in South Thailand make me reconsider the area I live and work in? Not at all! I know that this is where God wants me to be. We have not come to share the gospel only in areas that are easy for us to live in, but we have come to share the good news with everyone who doesn't know our Lord, regardless of the personal cost or inconvenience to us. What a joy it is to journey with a seeker as they discover the love of Jesus for themselves. I will gladly deal with rainy season each year and the stresses of the rain to see God’s kingdom proclaimed amongst the Thai people.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3