Krabi Boats 8

For the past six or so years, adventure camps have been a core part of the OMF South Thailand ministry. My first one was as a short-termer 5 ½ years ago, with Jeff, and another short-termer and 4 or 5 Thai guys. It was exciting to come back as a long-termer last year and see how much things have grown since then and I find each time God has something to teach me as well. This last camp in April was no different. I was expecting going non-stop for 3 ½ days like the camp before in which I’d had only 10 hours of sleep over 3 nights. But God had other plans...

Shortly after arriving at camp, I got sick with diarrhea and fever and wasn’t able take part in any of the climbing or kayaking. Then, the morning we left, I was all better. Very strange, but I believe that God allowed me to have this experience in order to teach me more of the value of having a strong team. There were a number of responsibilities that I was supposed to carry out at the camp, but because there was a strong team in place, they were able to take on the extra load. On the team, there are 3 main groupings; Thai leaders, long-term missionaries and short-termers. One crucial element of this team is the Thai leaders, a number of whom have started as youth in the camps and have been trained to take on responsibility. I’m excited about Jeff’s vision of seeing these Thai leaders further trained to be able to take on more responsibility and be able to run their own camps as well. Another crucial element is the short-term workers. Some come with adventure experience, others simply with willing attitudes; both are extremely valuable members on the team. I believe that Adventure Camps are like a canvas on which God displays to Thai youth his marvelous creation and the beauty of the unity in diversity of Christ’s global family coming together to serve Him. Praise God that He didn’t make us to be lone rangers but made us to represent Him through being a loving team together and bearing one another’s burdens.