Krabi Boats 8

It was our pleasure to have 8 people from our home church Forest Lake Baptist come, see and share in the work we do here in Thailand. The two weeks they were here went so quick however it was an eye opener and life changing time for all.

The team arrived on Saturday the 9th of January which was children's day in Thailand. The airport precinct was packed with cars, motorbikes, trolley bikes and people as free activities for children's day happened around the country.

Is it possible to share the Gospel by serving buckets of ice to guests eating at a funeral?

A couple of weeks ago, the mother of one of the leaders at the local church died. As is usual in Thailand, the family held a funeral over one week where the mother's body was in a refrigerated coffin and friends and relatives came to pay their respects. Part of the visit involves sitting and eating a meal in front of the family home.

The church leader asked the Christians to come and help serve one night.

Path to dees house beforeI recently helped one of the local Christians put a walk-way into his house. He lives in the middle of a rice field and the land his house is built on floods a little every year. The house is up high on stilts but getting in and out of the house becomes difficult, as the pathway in becomes muddy and partially covered in water.

Back three years ago, a mission team from overseas came to visit. One of the Christians on the team wanted to help his situation, especially as he cares for aging and invalid mother, so she donated some money to help. Knowing his situation, I was quick to tell him that some money was available and suggested what we should do to improve access to the house. Despite being appreciative of the offer, the young Christian man wasn't ready to go ahead...