Krabi Boats 8

 pp group photo jan2017

This photo reflects the reality of cross-cultural mission today. Included in this photo are local Christians, a Thai evangelist working with our missionary teams, members of a Korean-American short-term mission team and long-term missionaries. (See if you can pick who is who!) It’s so amazing how God brings people from all over the world to be involved with his work in one small corner of this country in Asia. This shouldn’t be a surprise, because in Acts 13:1 we see a multi-cultural ministry team from all levels of society already serving the Lord together: “Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas [from Cyprus], Simeon who was called Niger [an African], Lucius of Cyrene [a Greek], Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch [from Judea], and Saul [from Tarsus in modern day Turkey].” (The notes in the square brackets [] are mine.) The photo above doesn’t show all those involved in God’s work here though. There are also mission leaders and administrators located in Bangkok, Singapore and home countries. There are also those who provide prayer and financial support. All of us have a part to play. What’s your part?