Krabi Boats 8

PK Home Worship Preach

If you ask us what main outcome we are working towards, the answer would be to see churches planted. But to actually announce to the community that we would begin worship meetings in our home was a step I felt unprepared to take. It took a Thai Pastor basically saying, “ What’s taking you so long?”, to get us moving.


And this pastor even offered to help us get started. What the Thai pastor didn’t know was that we had attempted to start meeting with local Christians before (though not in our house) and had a number of weeks that no one showed up, so we were apprehensive to try again. We haven’t taken this pastor up on his offer of help yet, but it did give us a kick to get going within the month.

Praise God that in the month that we prepared to take this step of faith, God was working in the hearts of a couple that weren’t yet Christians, making them really interested in God, and for the husband, causing him to enjoy Christian worship songs. Since we began 6 weeks ago, the group has been small, usually about 3-5 coming, but we sense God’s Spirit working in us and bringing us closer together. We still feel like every week is a gift from God and we don’t know how exactly know how we should be proceeding. But we praise God that it is His Church and we are just servants waiting for the next command from our Head.