Krabi Boats 8

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, 28 of us piled into 3 vehicles to drive to a local waterfall. After a time of worship, Mr Narong and Benz descended into the water and received baptism. Benz become a Christian 3 years ago at a Youth Camp. SInce then he has faithfully serving in the church and growing in the Lord.

Mr Narong is a local community who has been interested in Christianity. However over the past few months had been too busy to study the Bible. We thought he had lost interest in know God. But when we told him Benz was being baptised, Mr Narong said "Can I be baptised too?" Upon further questioning, Mr Narong said that he’s believed in Jesus for awhile now and has given away all his idols. He wanted to get baptised to show others that he is seriously following Jesus. Others are watching him closely as the first person in his family, and the first adult in that community to become a Christian. It is exciting to see God drawing both young and older people to Himself.

Jip_smallFriday night I was driving back from a cell group in the house of one of the Christians of NaamKhem (=Saltwater, province of Phanga) church. Another Christian got off when we passed the market where she and her family live; leaving me and a friend of mine who came to visit. But my Thai friend didn't go home. Instead she turned the direction of a close by 7/11 shop. 'She didn't dare to ask me to stop in front of the shop because somebody strange to her sat in the car as well,' I thought.

Next morning this Thai friend came. When I asked her whether she went to 7/11 yesterday after cell she nodded with her head and told me, " I put my Bible in the basket of a motor bike parking there. Didn't want to show up in 7/11 with this fat book, you know? But when I came back this bike was gone. I looked around but couldn't see my Bible anywhere. So I said to God, 'If you won't bring my Bible back to me, I'm no longer interested in you.'" I couldn't help but raise my eye brows at that. "Next morning somebody saw me in my cafe in the market. He had my Bible in his hand and asked, 'is this yours?'

GOD is gracious!

bible_mp3The ability to read and write is important to the Thai people. All Thai children learn to read and write in school from a very early age. Literacy across the country sits at about 99%. However there is a section of Thai society that either prefers not to read, or finds it difficult to read due to old age and lack of suitable reading glasses. A friend of mine has started distributing reading glasses and finds this a very significant tool for outreach.


aunty_ingIn these days of Facebook, My Space and Twitter, many people in the west are discovering old friends they haven’t seen for many years. I, myself, since giving in to the inevitable and joining Facebook, have linked up with many old friends from high school, university and Bible College whom I haven’t met for ages. While this is a pleasure denied to the computer-illiterate older generation in upcountry Thailand, last week the Lord bestowed a similar blessing on one of the old Christian aunties in Pak Phanang.

The story started two weeks ago when I visited Mr Brateep, a former church member of a church started by a missionary friend in Bangkok. Mr Brateep had recently returned his to childhood home in Krabi province, not too far from where I live in Pak Phanang. Mr Brateep introduced me to Pastor Samart, the pastor of Lam Thap Church where Brateep had started attending. As we chatted, it turned out that Pastor Samart had spent two years evangelising in Pak Phanang back thirty years ago when he was a young man. “Do you know Mrs Ing?” he asked me. “She was one of the people who believed back then.”