Krabi Boats 8

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, 28 of us piled into 3 vehicles to drive to a local waterfall. After a time of worship, Mr Narong and Benz descended into the water and received baptism. Benz become a Christian 3 years ago at a Youth Camp. SInce then he has faithfully serving in the church and growing in the Lord.

Mr Narong is a local community who has been interested in Christianity. However over the past few months had been too busy to study the Bible. We thought he had lost interest in know God. But when we told him Benz was being baptised, Mr Narong said "Can I be baptised too?" Upon further questioning, Mr Narong said that he’s believed in Jesus for awhile now and has given away all his idols. He wanted to get baptised to show others that he is seriously following Jesus. Others are watching him closely as the first person in his family, and the first adult in that community to become a Christian. It is exciting to see God drawing both young and older people to Himself.