Krabi Boats 8

Jip_smallFriday night I was driving back from a cell group in the house of one of the Christians of NaamKhem (=Saltwater, province of Phanga) church. Another Christian got off when we passed the market where she and her family live; leaving me and a friend of mine who came to visit. But my Thai friend didn't go home. Instead she turned the direction of a close by 7/11 shop. 'She didn't dare to ask me to stop in front of the shop because somebody strange to her sat in the car as well,' I thought.

Next morning this Thai friend came. When I asked her whether she went to 7/11 yesterday after cell she nodded with her head and told me, " I put my Bible in the basket of a motor bike parking there. Didn't want to show up in 7/11 with this fat book, you know? But when I came back this bike was gone. I looked around but couldn't see my Bible anywhere. So I said to God, 'If you won't bring my Bible back to me, I'm no longer interested in you.'" I couldn't help but raise my eye brows at that. "Next morning somebody saw me in my cafe in the market. He had my Bible in his hand and asked, 'is this yours?'

GOD is gracious!