The week before the 20th December we went out caroling from house to house, Tuesday to Friday in a different place every night. With the help of a big man size poster with two hands holding the crib with the baby Jesus in it, we explained the gospel. We also handed out three different invitations to all who was willing to listen to us. One invitation was to the events of Christmas on the 25th, the next for a TV show 18-19 Dec. with Billy Graham as the evangelist with lots of Thai testimonies woven in to his talk, and the last was to our own church Sunday 20th afternoon with a number on the invitation with which they had a chance to get a small gift. All got a free home made ice cream and a chat with the Christians
Many people came and we were glad for the opportunity to show them where we were and to make contact with them.
Please pray for all these different contacts that we may know how to follow up and lead them to the Lord.