Krabi Boats 8

It was our pleasure to have 8 people from our home church Forest Lake Baptist come, see and share in the work we do here in Thailand. The two weeks they were here went so quick however it was an eye opener and life changing time for all.

The team arrived on Saturday the 9th of January which was children's day in Thailand. The airport precinct was packed with cars, motorbikes, trolley bikes and people as free activities for children's day happened around the country.

The FLBC team arrived at the Radiant Light center and went straight into activities with the kids who came. A couple even had a crack at the indoor rock climbing wall Daniel built with Jeff''s help. Radiant Light had loom band craft, speed stack with cups, crate stack (of which the crates were donated by Coke Cola along with some drinks), card games and the team sung up a storm with English praise and worship.

On Sunday the team went to visit Pak Phanang church to meet the Thai Christians we have been working with and share a meal with them once church had finished. The team had prepared a few songs to share with the Thai Christians and before the serviced ended the couple of songs turned into a jam season in Thai and English. This was an amazing experience and a highlight for some of the team members. The second Sunday at church was also a celebration of the 10th Anniversary since Pak Phanang church was registered as a place of preaching.

The team were given a crash course Thai lesson on some of the basics like counting and how to ask how much something was, along with practicing the 5 tones Thai language has. This was useful for the team and reminded us of just how far we have progressed in our language here.

The team took on a renovation project at Radiant Light to sand and paint some walls as well as install extractor fans at the bottom of the stairs. It took longer than expected to finish the project but they got it done. A few of the team members came to help Belinda and I teach at the Bang Jak pre-school. They were able to sing English songs, play English games and the kids enjoyed having them visit.

We were able to do a market outreach with the team at Pak Nett, which is the big market near our place. The team helped by baking and selling brownies, making balloon animals, singing songs and along with every brownie we gave away christian literature and tracts. It was a great time and the other market sellers enjoyed the music and the brownies.

The team got to explore and see more of Nakhon city as the embarked on a challenge called the Amazing race. They were sent out in pairs to find various places around the city in a race against time. They needed to take photos, use public transport and buy certain things congratulations to Lemuel and Ottie for winning the challange.

Some of the team went rock climbing at Khao Chum Tong with Daniel and Jeff or went for a swim at Prom Lock waterfall with Belinda and I along with a couple of the Thai Christians from Pak Phanang and another missionary family. The team also got to experience part of a Thai wedding as the lady that cleans the Radiant Light center ( Phi Prang) invited the missionaries and the team to come to her sons wedding. They got to eat some traditional southern Thai food and Phi Prang was so pleased we all came.

We ran some English programs at a few schools including Pak Klong School which is the one that Jeff, Daniel and Sue visit every month. At Pak Klong they have both English and bible teaching.  We had an afternoon of English activities at Chomphu Pradit school which is a temple school and found out that one of the teachers there is a Christian.

There was a two day English camp at Taokot School which was a great time and the team were able to to teach them Australian sports, animals and songs. Along with general and christian English songs, sayings and how to ask for things, giving simple directions and more with the help of our friends and local Thai Christians Dee (Andy), Ben (Benz) and View (Wiw).

Daniel and I were happy that the team got to meet our Thai friends and eat at our favorite restaurant in Bang Jak during there stay in Thailand. As always the food was delicious.

The last place to see was Krabi. The team had a couple days to relax, explore Riley (where we go for part of adventure camp) and have the team debrief before heading home.