Krabi Boats 8
bang_sala_christmas1Last month (December 2010) we had many opportunities to share about Jesus birth and what it means for us today. One of the areas that has opened up to our work is a sub-district called Bang Sala. One of the village leaders became a Christian recently and has been invaluable in opening doors for the gospel. A team of Chinese Christians from Australia spent around ten days with us, helping us as we ran Christmas programmes in schools, in the middle of town and at the local jail. One day was spent visiting three schools and a kindergarten in Bang Sala sub-district. Our final activity at Bang Sala was a special Christmas outreach party at the house of the Christian village leader. Over 100 people in the area attended the very first Christmas party, ever! All enjoyed the singing, the hilarious games and the Christmas items presented by some of the local children. Many listened as I shared how Jesus’ birth and death can bring us to peace with God and peace with each other. Afterwards, I asked one of the local men if he’d ever heard the real Christmas story before. He hadn’t. What a privilege to take the good news to places it has never been heard before!