Krabi Boats 8

Therefore confess you sins to each other, and pray for each other so that ye may be healed.The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and affective. James 5,16

phon sehr klein. . . - especially the prayers of a mother.

Phon is a 10 years old boy, very imaginative, bold and a

gifted story teller. Unfortunately Phon follows instruc-

tions only very unwillingly and is extremely difficult to


I am far away from being a gifted children’s worker, I’ve

never been one. Each Sunday school I had to spend lots

of energy to motivate Phon to take part. If he felt like eating

some snacks, he would just get up und buy some, regard-

less of the program. Needless to say that Phon didn’t go

alone but he took at least one more child with him.

Therefore some months ago we changed our method of teaching Sunday school.

In October 2010 Phon and his parents went to the believers conference in Yala. Phon

took part in the children’s program. “GOD has punished me“, he told his Mom afterwards.

“Hm, how do you mean this?“, she wanted to know. „I had to cry lots, because I sinned

lots“, was Phon’s explanation. A boy aware of his sins and regretting them? How

wonderful! And I actually did notice a change in Phon’s life.

In January I encouraged the children to tell a friend what they've experienced with

Jesus this week. Phon’s Mum came at the end of this week telling us that Phon founded

a gang in his school. They are five members, all children whose parent became

Christian after the Tsunami. Their motto is, we are holding together, we won’t revenge

ourselves because this is GOD’s job. With those outside we don’t mix. We meet four

days a week on school ground to tell each other what GOD is doing.

Since than the Christian gang accepted a new member. The children thought up seve-

ral test questions for new members. As for example: Who created the world? After the

fourth question Phon realized that this new member always gave the answer “GOD“.

Well should one accept a new member like this in the new Christian gang Wink?

I am excited about the initiative of these children.

  • Praise the LORD for Phon's initiative in founding a Christian gang an school.
  • Please pray as teachers at Phon's school are very anty Christian forcing the
    children to participate in Bhuddist rituals and teachings.
  • Please pray for the gang members:

    May they be a good example amongst their Buddhist school mates.

    May they encourage each other and grow in understanding of spiritual things.