Krabi Boats 8

Recently I was privileged to be able to attend Project Paul, a training seminar based on the book of Acts. This seminar aims to equip people with skills that are based on Scripture and can be applied to church planting within the context you find yourself.

During these two weeks, while reading my bible one morning, I came across this verse "But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.” (Exodus 4:13 NIV) It was such a timely gift from God to me. Many a time I have felt this way and once again I was feeling daunted by the task that lay ahead. I echoed Moses sentiment; 'yes Lord, please do send someone else.' In the midst of being trained to plant churches in Thailand, I felt very unqualified and out of my depth by the task that lay ahead. God in his wisdom reminded me that Moses felt the same way. I am not alone in feeling this way and just as God guided and helped Moses he will guide and help me each step of the way.