Krabi Boats 8

IMG 2388

Jesus stooped down and washed his disciples feet (John 13:1-17). While on a recent Adventure camp I was humbled when I saw one of the Thai leaders live out this parable. Day two's camp programme entailed mountain climbing, a hike along the beach, a walk through a cave and abseiling down from a ledge at the exit of the cave and finally walking down the rest of the mountain back to the beach. As exciting as this adventure was in beautiful natural surroundings, it was physically and mentally challenging.

That morning I had noticed, when one of the young people was putting on a pair of mountain climbing shoes, that he had no big toe. As a young child he had lost three fingers and his thumb in an explosion. His big toe was attached to his hand giving him mobility with a finger and thumb. This young man did not shrink back from a challenge. He undertook to climb one of the harder pitches that morning and after several attempts and his hands being in excruciating pain he had conquered the climb.

After lunch while walking to the cave his shoes started deteriorating, he did not say a word, but kept soldiering on over the beach and then up a rocky path leading to the cave entrance. When we started going into the cave his shoes had broken beyond repair and his feet were scratched and scraped. This is when one of the Thai leaders stepped in and insisted this young man wear his shoes.


This young man watched as the leaders feet started getting dirty as he walked through the cave. He watched as this leader abseiled down the cliff and then walked down the mountain to the beach. On arriving at the beach the leaders feet were bruised and bleeding. The young man knew that the leaders feet were bruised and in pain because of him and yet the leader did not complain or brag about what he had done.

To me this leader showed us a living example of the character and nature of what Jesus did for us. Jesus saw our need of salvation from sin and took on the punishment we deserved and died for us on the cross. He did so in a humble and loving way, showing us that his kingdom is a kingdom that calls us to serve others in humility, grace and love.