Krabi Boats 8

When my family first moved into our house, we would be asked this question frequently. It perplexed us a bit wondering why they would ask such a question. Back in the U.S., where we were originally from, if you were to move into a new neighborhood it would be considered quite odd for someone to ask you that.

We then realized it was a question asked because they will determine, based on how long you plan to stay, whether it is worth building a relationship with you or not. Relationships are quite important in Thai culture. If you have not grown up with them or lived around them for a long time, it is not automatic that you have their attention or trust.

So the next time we were asked this question, we would answer that our term has us in the area for three years but our hope is that we will be here for our whole life. You would be amazed what doors opened up when they heard this and was delighted to see we were here for the long term.

And now, as we finish our first term, the question we are being asked by our neighbors are "How much longer before you leave?... When will you be back? Are you going to live here when you do?" These questions both saddens me as well as gives me joy because I know they are asking not because they are wondering whether it's still worth keeping a relationship with me and my family but they have become so close to us and opened their lives to us that now they are also sad to see us leave. And I am sad as well that it will be a while before we see them again but our neighbors have become like family and we will keep these ties for the long term.


I have come to realize that God wants us to share His name, yes, through sharing his words, but also by sharing his love through opening up our lives and making connections. Would you pray that we will continue to make the best use of our remaining time to share the good news with them and also continue our relationship afterwards for the long term?