Krabi Boats 8
A few days after moving into my new home a young 13 year old girl who lives nearby came and asked me 'Would you help teach me English?'.  I agreed that she could come twice a week.  In our conversation about when I would be available to teach, I explained that I wasn't just an English teacher but here to work with Christians in Pak Phanang.

At the end of her second visit she said she was interested in learning a bit about Jesus. I had some Christian short story books for children in Thai/English so she picked out two about Jesus for herself and took them home.  A day later, she was back and returned the books saying that her parents had told her she was not allowed to become a Christian. She then asked if I was free for her to visit on Sunday, so I explained that I went to church.  She then asked if she could come along too, just to see, without having to do anything, adding her parents would be ok with that.  Of course she was welcome to come along and see.  So, on Sunday she came to church for the very first time.  I don't know what she thought or made of it, but she has asked if she could come along again.

Please pray for this 13 year old girl, N, that she will experience God's love for her and that she will continue to desire to learn and find out more about Jesus.