Krabi Boats 8
On our recent Adventure camp there was one teenager that was always sitting outside the group and it was a struggle to get him to participate in any of the activities. Sadly towards the end of the camp he was warming up and starting to interact with some of the other campers. Camp was over and as leaders we were disheartened that we were not able to break into his world and find out what was truly taking place in his heart and give him the guidance that he needed. 

A week ago Jeff received a letter from his mom thanking us for the camp. Her son is about to start attending a vocational college  and one of the questions the teachers of the course would like to know is, if the learner has any issues that they should be aware of. 

Out of Khun's own acknowledgment  he asked his mom to please tell them that he struggles to relate to other people. On camp he observed everyone having fun and he was outside, not able to convince himself to take part. He realised that he has a problem and this needs to get addressed. This is a remarkable step for this young man. Please pray for him and that his Christian mother will be able to share more of how Christ can help him in his life being transformed. 

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