Krabi Boats 8

Steves Easter morning adventureI arrived at Thung Song in South Thailand at 4:40am easter morning, after a mainly sleepless night on the train, but excited for my first Easter in Thailand (I missed it by 3 days on a previous trip), I found out I had some time before the first bus would go to take me partway to my destination 2 hours away, so felt I should check to see if the nearest church had a sunrise service. I walked there just a little after 5am, a bit apprehensive as I wound my way through some dark alleys, but in the end, I found the church in the place google said it would be. There was an older guy just tossing off a cigarette and I asked if there was a sunrise service there. He said there was one at some other location and he was just about to go there. He said hop on the back of his motorbike and off we sped into the darkness, with me not really knowing where I was going. We went out of the city, heading towards the mountains with a gorgeous view of the moon above, shining on the mountain jungles a little ways away.

We arrive at a small place on a rubber plantation with about 20 Christians in that church sitting eating coconut sticky rice and drinking coffee. We chatted for awhile then as it began to get light we went into the plantation to a family gravesite, sang and rejoiced in the resurrection, followed by an easter egg hunt in the forest.
As we prepared to go back, my driver discovered he was completely out of gas (it seems we had a miracle to make it to our destination)! So we piled in the back of a truck with a few others and they put his motorbike in the back of another truck. My new friend was quite excited by this whole chain of events also since if I'd come just a minute later, I would have missed him and I'm not even sure what he was doing at the church in the first place.
They were a bit miffed that I wasn't going to stay for the main service since I'd already planned to be in Pak Phanang for the easter service there, but they dropped me off at the local bus station just in time to get the last seat before it left and I made it to Pak Phanang 2 hours later after another bus and crossing the river ferry in good time for an amazing Easter service with old friends.