Krabi Boats 8

ApollosAre there any modern-day Apollos? Who is Apollos anyways? Well, Acts 18:26 records that, “[Apollos] began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.” This is a wonderful example of discipleship at work in the bible, where Priscilla and Aquila invested in discipling and raising up Apollos, a young servant of God.

Picture left: Monday night bible study and discipleship with Ms. Nong (center - bottom), her brother Peter (center - top), and her son Bing (left)

Let us introduce you to some modern-day Apollos, Ms. Nong and her younger brother Peter, who attend and serve at the local Thai church in Tha Sala where we worship most Sundays as well. Peter had previously studied in Bangkok several years ago, where he came to know Jesus through a Christian group while at university. As a result of his Christian conversion, he began to evangelize to the rest of his family back in South Thailand, which led to his older sister Ms. Nong coming to know Jesus as well about five years ago.

Both Ms. Nong and Peter serve faithfully at church each Sunday, whether through helping with leading worship or leading adult Sunday school. About two months ago, Peter began asking Dave if he could help with teaching adult Sunday school as well. After a couple times of teaching, Peter approached Dave one Sunday and asked if they could meet up regularly for Dave to equip him and his sister in teaching the bible better. And so Monday night bible study and discipleship was born!

Dave, Peter, and Ms. Nong have already studied through the first few chapters of Genesis already, touching upon some key theological truths as part of the biblical narrative that point to the need for Jesus Christ. Peter and Ms. Nong have been excited and hungry to learn each week, taking notes each time and asking good questions. We also had the opportunity to invite them to our home for a Korean meal and a wonderful time of fellowship.

It has always been our desire not only to provide fish but teach others how to fish, and that those who we teach can one day teach others how to fish as well. This is perhaps best captured in 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” In addition, Peter also has a passion for evangelism, and he has expressed interest to go along with Dave to evangelize, whether in Tha Sala town or at Walailak University. What an answered prayer in asking the Lord to help us develop partnership with the local Thai church to have a burden for university ministry as well. We invite you to join us in praying for Peter and Ms. Nong, modern-day Apollos, who we pray will one day go and make many more disciples for Jesus Christ.