It has been raining and raining and raining...... the fields are swamps (or lakes) and there is water around many homes and in some. Despite the puddles, we decided to grab the few hours of no rain last Saturday to go and check on some of the believers who live in villages just out of town and their families. Part way down the road into the first village there was water all over the road. Still, utes (pick-ups) can go through that level of water so on we went. We stopped at the end of the concrete - not trusting the gravel road and decided to walk the remaining 200m..... or should I say wade! There was 20-30cm of water over the road. The road really just looked like a continuation of the canal that was next to it - marked only by the grass poking out of the water at the side of the road!
The water was flowing down the road but not too fast. So, in our shorts and rubber flip flops off we went. It made a great sight, one older uncle from church, Jeff, me and two of our sons, all wading along. Everyone greeted us with surprise - would we really bother to visit Deht in all this water???