Krabi Boats 8

It's a record!!!! 

Just over 2 years ago we almost bought a nice little 4-wheel drive that we thought would be good for our ministry in Thailand. Unfortunately the sale fell through which disappointed me greatly.

 Later we bought an older vehicle, a 2000 model Ford Ranger station wagon from a pastor in a church in Chiang Mai. It used fuel quicker than I would have liked, and at the time fuel prices were climbing rapidly. I started to wonder if our purchase had been a wise one indeed. Then I started seeing the advantages of the car.


 Though the car is starting to show its age, we have discovered it is capable of many uses; carrying 10, 12, 14 people, carrying rabbit hutches, gear for evangelistic outreaches, Thai pastors to meetings, transporting people to hospital (myself included)...

 Yesterday we took 8 poor children to the local swimming pool. We regularly take 12 children from a local area to church without any problems. Last Sunday, when we went to a waterfall for the baptism of one of the new believers, we broke our record by having 15 people in our car!!!

 It would be nice to own a nice little 4 wheel drive one day, but in the meantime I think an old Ford Ranger capable of breaking records seems more God's idea. Reminds me that God's ways are bigger than ours.