Krabi Boats 8

"I'll come too!", seven-year-old Lion announced eagerly. I was surprised, I had said I would walk my dog around the block while I waited for my take away sticky rice, BBQ pork and papaya salad to be ready but wasn’t expecting company. Lion's grandparents were happy for him to get out from under their feet while they cooked my order, so off Bella croppedwe set, walking down the road, Lion, Bella the dog and I. Lion chatted away happily in Thai. Bella, my golden retriever, loved having the extra company.

We walked along for a while, then Lion started looking anxiously at the trees by the road. The sun was going down but there was still plenty of light. Then Lion said "Aunty, don't go too far. I'm scared of the ghosts"...

He saw nothing unusual in this - many Thai people are scared of the spirits. His face looked worried and he was obviously afraid. I chatted with him about how the spirits are real but I wasn't afraid as I follow Jesus and he is bigger than the spirits. I explained how, Jesus is powerful and he can protect us from the spirits. Lion listened happily and could see that I wasn't afraid. As I have seen Jesus’ power at work, I spoke with confidence, from my own personal experience. I know that Jesus is powerful, he is good, he loves us. His name is above every name. We do not need to fear if we are walking with Jesus. This was all new to Lion. Not many people here have ever heard of an all-powerful God who is loving and good.

We walked a bit further and then went back to Lion's family's restaurant to pick up my dinner and for Lion to be home. I look forward to more conversations with Lion and with his family too as I walk my dog or as we order food from their restaurant. Pray that they would know the One who is all powerful, good and who loves us - the One who sets us free from fear to live life abundantly.