Krabi Boats 8



Photo by:- Jillian Kim on Unsplash

recently read a blog on the Velvet for Ashes website that really summed up how I was feeling. The author wrote how she saw herself rushing in and out of the throne room of Jesus. Each time she entered she had much to tell Jesus about the work she was doing, the people she was evangelising, the bible studies she was preparing, and the list goes on. In amongst all of this busyness she had become more and more frazzled.  When seeking help she was wisely counselled that Jesus was simply asking her to rest awhile with him in the  throne room. He was more interested in her than he was in all she was doing. Jesus desired for her to rest a while with him, to be rejuvenated in his presence.

A couple of months before reading this blog entry I had arranged to go on a retreat with a friend. How amazing God is in that the topic of the retreat was Shalom. As I took time away from my usual routines and spent time resting in the presence of my Savior, truly engaging with God’s word and all he had to teach me about His peace I was reminded of how Jesus sees me.

One of the exercises of the retreat was to think about what Jesus calls you, what special name does he have for you? While praying through this I was given the verse Deuteronomy 33:12 which says “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”

No matter what role you are involved in for God’s kingdom, remember that you are His beloved and that you can rest secure in him. The many unsaved in your village, the seeker who is no longer interested in the gospel,  the unsuccessful bible study you tried to start, etc. are all secure with him.