Krabi Boats 8

SAVE 20171130 130022The sounds of Christmas have begun in Thailand with all the familiar classic songs that we are used to back home, being played at our local mall. The feelings of nostalgia and excitement from my childhood days is seen in my kids who are taking in all the excitement of the trees, lights and reindeer’s. Santa is coming.. 

But wait…English music that we can finally hum along to in South East Asia? Are we still in Thailand, where the Christian population is under 1%? Apparently we are, where the Christmas decorations are some of the most elaborate I’ve ever seen in my life. A tree, spanning three floors high, dwarfing those passes by.

O that the message of Christ would ring loudly as the jingles in this land this Christmas. May the decorations and celebrations elaborate the wonderful good news of the God who came Himself to rescue the world by being crucified on a rugged tree.