Krabi Boats 8

Sticky RiceWhile we were trying to sort out our visa problems in Bangkok earlier this month, I remember going for a walk with C1 and C2 to look for some food for dinner. We came across a lady selling sticky rice and shredded pork on the street. It's something my boys like, and we decided to buy four. But we ended up with more. How?

I noticed that the lady looked melancholy. She begin to tell me how she had two daughters, and her older daughter past away this year at age 16 after getting hit by a car (her younger daughter is 10 years old). To my shame, I thought at first that perhaps she was seeking sympathy and wanted me to give her a little bit more money. But then she does the complete opposite and said that she would like to give me an extra one for free (the next day she gave me two more for free because it was Thai Mother's Day).

It begs me to ask the question, "Is there any good in people?" At first, I thought there can only be good in people if they follow Jesus. Perhaps she was only doing it because as a Thai buddhist she thought she had bad karma and needed to make merit to chase away bad luck in her life.

Or perhaps her actions exhibit that although fallen she still bears the image of God (Gen. 1:27), even if just a fraction. And there is still hope that she can restore the image of God in her through Jesus Christ, which would be made complete when we enter heaven. The only thing I could do was pray for her and her family, and hope that one day I will see them in heaven because maybe God will bring others to continue to sow and reap into her life. Please continue to pray with me for salvation for the lost in Thailand.

"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." ~ 2 Cor. 3:18