The missionary life can be a bit of a rollercoaster at times, of hopeful opportunities followed by disappointments. But God always gives us some kind of encouragement when we need it! Our team was a little disappointed after hope of getting a churchplant off the ground right away seemed premature. But again, God came through with encouragements. After having a short-term team come and help with an English camp at a local school, the numbers of the English club at my house swelled from the previous max of 8 up to 24 and fears that numbers might go down since we weren't quite prepared for that many students proved unfounded as we had even more the second week!
We decided to use chronological Bible stories as the foundation for the English lessons. I then thought it was worth a shot to ask the at the school we did the camp at if I could use this same Bible story format when I started teaching middle school students at the school that week. And then I get a call from another principal asking me if I could come teach English and got the go ahead to teach about Christianity as well! All of the sudden, God has opened up the opportunity to share the gospel in Thai and English with 100+ students in these 3 groups in the Phrom Khiri area for the next month and a half. Please pray that we will be able to clearly present the gospel, teach English with excellence and build good relationships with students, teachers and families.