Krabi Boats 8

The other day, Grit  (13) was at our place, just hanging out as he does quite often.  He suddenly remembered that he wanted to tell me something and came up to me with a big smile.  His phone had been broken for a few days, just not turning on at all.  Grit had fiddled with it trying to get it to work but nothing happened.  In the end, his younger sister, "Wen" had decided to try praying.  She and Grit have both heard quite bit about God at our place over the last few years.  They have heard  how God answers prayer.  So, Wen just simply asked God to fix the phone.  Then she pressed the on button again - and on it came!  They were thrilled.

God is good.  He knows they are just taking their first steps of faith, working out if this God is real and if he really does all we say he does.  Does he love them as we have said he does?  So, God answers and little by little they see that he is real and does love them.

God doesn't always fix things when I ask him these days.  He knows me and stretches me and grows me through tough times and times when he answers in ways I hadn't expected.  Yet it is such fun to watch him answer for the kids who are brave enough to reach out to him.  These are their first "baby" steps.  It's a great place to be at, watching them grow.