Krabi Boats 8


Thai summer is in April, when the sun passes directly overhead in between southern-hemispere summer (December-February) when the sun takes a more southerly route overhead, and northern hemisphere summer (June-August) when the sun takes a more northerly route overhead. Cool season here is in January, but within the space of two months (February & March), we go from the coolest month to the hottest month!

Here's some things you may experience here:


  1. It’s 38º inside the house.
  2. “Cold” showers are too hot in the middle of the afternoon (from the sun heating the wall in which the water pipes are situated) but are appealing in the middle of the night!
  3. Young foreign children have heat rash all over, day and night.
  4. The air-conditioner is set to 30º and the room feels cold!
  5. The washing is almost dry before you have finished hanging it out.
  6. You keep looking for the fourth speed setting on fans which only have three speeds.
  7. You need to take three or four showers a day.
  8. A bag of ice starts melting and dripping water before you even walk out of the shop where you bought it.
  9. You have to wait until 6 pm until you can exercise or play sport.
  10. Everyone is throwing water over each other on Thai New Year (13 April).