Krabi Boats 8

Bangmuang market  had the worst flood in more than at least 60 years.

Water was running like a river through one of the Chriatians houses after it rained non-stop for one week.  Reptiles and other dangerous insects were washed out of their holes and was desperate to find refuge. As I was walking kneedeep through the rushing water I noticed a sick lady sitting on a chair in the middle of this rushing water. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a centipede sitting very comfortably on her knee because the lady was not aware of it!!                

At that moment someone hit the thing off her leg into the water in which we were standing !!! This made me realize that we were not the only ones in the water!!

That night people had to sleep in their houses being aware of the fact that snakes etc. might be sharing their houses with them. It was a sleepless night for many

A  few days after this we went around the market to find out how people were after the flood and had very good conversations especially about the end of the world as all were shaken out of the " feeling safe in their own houses" .

One dressmaker was shocked with the dishonesty of her clients whose cloth was damaged in the floods in her house. They claimed more than the worth of the cloth back from her. Having been disappointed already with an unfaithful husband, this made her even more unhappy with her circumstances and more willing to listen to us.

She is becoming a good friend of mine and I trust that she will come to the point where she will find the water of life in Christ our Saviour.