Krabi Boats 8


dec blog 2Long-term missions / ministry is not “glamorous.” 

Some people expect it to be exciting and to see powerful things happening everyday. Not that there is anything wrong with seeing powerful things, but there is a risk that if you don’t experience miracles or excitement you feel like something is wrong. I have felt that many times.

I have learned that our walk with God is a race, but it’s not a sprint with a large crowd. It’s a marathon and many times it’s one without anyone near you. We walk with God daily and experience Him. We grow in an intimate relationship with Him even in the everyday life. And that is where the true excitement comes.

I have learned to experience the “miracles in the mundane.” The small things that amazes me even when I am not looking or asking for it.

Our family was in our car waiting at a stoplight near our home when I saw this car in front of us with the fish sign (see photo). This would probably be an everyday experience back in the U.S., but I can probably count with my fingers how many times I have seen it in all the years we have been in Thailand. But here we were just driving down the road and I see it. In a place where there is only 0.2% (less than 1%!) Christians in all South Thailand (and over 100,000 non-believing Thais in our district), I felt as if God was giving me a little wave. It excited my heart and encouraged me so. I almost wanted to jump out of the car and talk to the driver! Haha.

We are just starting student ministry, but I feel it’s the small things I continue to see like this everyday that is moving my heart to praise. God is so good!